Seatools Unveils Disruptive Seabed Pre-Cutting and Clearance Technology
11 September, 2024
Seatools proudly unveils its patented seabed pre-cutting and clearance technology, Iron Bull. This innovative solution mitigates risks posed by adverse soil conditions and subsurface obstacles.
Seatools Successfully Deploys Pre-Piling Template Equipment at Hai Long Offshore Wind Farm
17 April, 2024
Seatools is pleased to announce the successful delivery and operation of its pre-piling template equipment to CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering (CDWE) for the Hai Long Offshore Wind Farm project.
Seatools Completes Successful Factory Tests for DEME’s Innovative Fall Pipe ROV
4 December, 2023
Seatools is pleased to announce the successful completion of Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) for a highly innovative Fall Pipe ROV developed for DEME.
Seatools Secures Contract for Hai Long Offshore Wind Farm Metrology and Hydraulic System
9 October, 2023
Seatools is pleased to announce its contract with CDWE to develop, engineer, install, and commission the metrology and hydraulic system for the Hai Long Offshore Wind Farm’s Pre-Piling Template (PPT).
Seatools and Degra team up to introduce AHC winch offering
23 November, 2022
Offshore hydraulic equipment specialist Degra and subsea technology company Seatools jointly introduce a standardized range of active heave-compensated hoisting winches.
Allseas takes delivery of Seatools deep-sea mineral collection equipment
23 February, 2022
Seatools completed the engineering, manufacturing and qualification of the electronics, instrumentation, and hydraulics for Allseas’ pilot polymetallic nodule collection vehicle.
Allseas selects Seatools for deep-sea mining equipment
20 January, 2021
Allseas has awarded subsea technology company Seatools the contract for the delivery of the complete electrical, hydraulic, and control system for Allseas’ deep-sea mining nodule collector.
Seatools equips Boskalis with plough position monitoring buoy
10 November, 2020
Seatools completed the development, manufacturing and testing of a plough position monitoring buoy. After successful sea trials, the buoy is now being deployed for a subsea cable route clearance project.
Seatools’ umbilical winch to power Van Oord’s new trencher
3 February, 2020
Seatools completed the delivery of a CT umbilical winch. The winch will power Van Oord’s new subsea trencher “Deep Dig It,” which will be deployed during cable installation operations at an offshore wind farm later this year.
Seatools obtains another piling equipment contract
13 January, 2020
Seatools secured a contract from an undisclosed EPC player for the design and delivery of a piling template hydraulic and instrumentation system.
Seatools introduces plug-and-play subsea HPU range
10 December, 2019
Seatools stepped up its standardized hydraulic solutions bid with a new range of subsea hydraulic power units (SHPUs). The range offers a number of high-performance SHPUs that stand out in robustness, compactness, and ease of integration.
Seatools introduces game-changing Carrera E precision flow excavation spread
5 December, 2018
Seatools introduces the revolutionary Carrera E 3D motion-controlled precision flow excavation spread. The 630+ kW, all-electric deep-water excavator features Seatools’ advanced ROV DP technology and sets the stage for unprecedented levels of accuracy, production, and workability.
Seatools completes delivery of remote monitoring system for The Ocean Cleanup
23 July, 2018
Seatools completed the development, manufacturing, and testing of a remote offshore monitoring system. The monitoring system is currently integrated into the first-ever ocean cleanup system at The Ocean Cleanup’s assembly yard in Alameda, California, USA.
Seatools successfully completes delivery of Bravenes FP-ROV
14 June, 2018
Seatools completed the delivery of a highly automated fall pipe ROV on behalf of its client Van Oord. The ROV will serve Van Oord’s new subsea rock installation vessel “Bravenes.”
Seatools to supply remote offshore monitoring system for The Ocean Cleanup
13 Feburary, 2018
The Ocean Cleanup has awarded subsea technology company Seatools a contract for the development and delivery of a remote monitoring system. The monitoring system will be used to gain real-time insight into the performance of the first-ever ocean cleanup system.
Seatools completes delivery of high-end pressure compensators for Bakker Sliedrecht
10 January, 2018
On behalf of its client Bakker Sliedrecht, Seatools completed the development, manufacturing, and testing of two 250-liter subsea pressure compensators. The compensators will be applied to 1.7 MW submersible motors.
Seatools supplies dredging sensors to Jan De Nul Group
10 October, 2017
Seatools is in the process of delivering an extensive range of dredging sensors. The sensors will be used to monitor the dredging operations of three trailing suction hopper dredgers that are currently under construction.
Seatools upgrades FPROV on Van Oord’s FFPV “Stornes”
6 September, 2017
Seatools completed the upgrade of the fall pipe ROV installed on Van Oord’s flexible fall pipe vessel “Stornes.” The upgrade enables Van Oord to perform precision rock installation in water depths of up to 2100 meters.
GeoSea Chooses Seatools for Anode Cage Installation Tool
26 July, 2017
GeoSea choose Seatools for the design and delivery of an anode cage installation tool. The system will be used for the construction of the Hohe See offshore wind farm.
Seatools introduces new generation of DipMate® dredging monitoring systems
May 10th, 2017
Seatools announced the introduction of the fourth-generation DipMate® backhoe dredging monitoring and control systems. The upgrade encompasses two models: the Essential and Pro.
Seaway Heavy Lifting takes delivery of Seatools pre-piling template equipment
March 13th, 2017
On behalf of its client Seaway Heavy Lifting, subsea technology company Seatools completed the development, manufacturing, and installation of a piling instrumentation and control system for the Pile Installation Frame (pre-piling template) which will be used for the construction of a large offshore Windfarm.
Seatools introduces subsea storage technology
January 31th, 2017
Seatools completed an R&D program on a subsea liquid storage technology. During the program – a continuation of an earlier engineering study performed on behalf of Statoil Petroleum AS – the storage technology successfully passed a full product qualification test program.
Seatools presents at Dredging Summit in Houston
January 27th, 2017
On behalf of Seatools, Niels Haakman will be presenting “A comparison between grab- and vehicle-based deep-sea mining” on day 1 of the North American Dredging Summit held in Houston, Texas, USA.
Seatools introduces mort collector for offshore fish farms
January 11th, 2017
Seatools completed a feasibility and conceptual design study on a Remotely Operated Mort Collector (ROMoC). The study resulted in a highly automated system capable of effectively collecting dead fish in large-scale offshore fish farms.
Seatools introduces Advanced series subsea compensators
20 December, 2016
The new subsea compensator range, based on the preceding Hyco range, incorporates more than 15 years of experience and field feedback, and delivers serious improvements in robustness, durability, and standardization.
Completion HighWire upgrade project
19 October 2016
Seatools completed the upgrade of a HighWire taut wire system. The upgraded system will be deployed to determine the position of a subsea cable plough during a cable installation project executed by Boskalis.
Seatools scores Beatrice piling instrumentation contract
4 October, 2016
Seaway Heavy Lifting has awarded Seatools the contract for the design and delivery of a piling template instrumentation and control system. The system will be used for the construction of the Beatrice wind farm.
Seatools publishes paper on grab-based deep-sea mining
6 September, 2016
Seatools publishes a study that analyzes the techno-economic performance of two deep-sea mining methods. A comparison is made between the required installed subsea power and the overall energy consumption.
Seatools introduces ‘elegantly simple’ Pile Dredge Tool
20 April, 2016
Seatools introduces ‘elegantly simple’ Pile Dredge Tool. This pile cleaning and dredging system is capable of removing soil plugs and cleaning of pre-piled jackets, such as commonly found in the offshore wind industry.
Seatools introduces HeaveMate® heave compensation system
27 March, 2016
Seatools introduces an intelligent active heave compensation system: HeaveMate®. This is an easy-to-integrate system for both new as well as existing offshore equipment such as winches, cranes, and LARS systems.
Seatools’ Jacket-Upending Monitoring System provides new insights
20 July, 2015
Seatools B.V. is proud to announce that not only the Jacket-Upending Monitoring System performed very well during the installation of the Gina Krog Jacket – also the visualized data provided new insights.
Completion mooring monitoring project
2 July, 2015
Seatools completed the development, manufacturing, and installation of a mooring monitoring system for BWOs’ ‘Espoir Ivoirien’ FPSO. This system monitors the structural integrity and behavior of the mooring chains.
Van Oord awards Seatools with ROV contract
20 April, 2015
Van Oord has awarded Seatools the contract for the design and delivery of a new fall pipe ROV. This custom-made ROV will be integrated into van Oord’s new rock installation vessel Bravenes.
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